
The Aura Cleaning System cleans your home in the most natural way possible, by using nature's most powerful element, water.

Water is essential for nature to function. Our planet uses this source to clean and rid itself of surface dust, airborne particles, artificial contaminants and even allergens. Seas, rivers, and especially rain are all examples of how nature’s hygiene is maintained, leaving behind fresh, rain-washed air.

The Aura Cleaning System cleans your home the most natural way possible, using the power of water. The Aura uses mother nature’s most powerful element, water, to trap dirt and odors, returning only naturally clean, water-washed air to your home environment.

Additionally, Aura’s ion generator fills your home environment with negative ions which clean the air and assist with allergy and asthma reduction. Negative ions give you the freshness of forests, waterfalls and beaches, where negative ions are naturally generated.